Monday, April 6, 2009

I sat on the tribal patterned futon, trying to remember what date it was, where my 5.00 purse was, and why was the blonde kid even here? Memories like this, well they last decades. It don't matter where you work, or how much crap you buy, you can't erase these kodak moments where the only thing that matters is what time you start drinking and how much smoke you can inhale within a pass around the circle. its amazing what wonders you can do with an old no name iced tea bottle and a safeway bag. what you may label as 'eccentric', well we call it normal. a girl party hopping in a green cast, two girls dating and would probably be madly in love if it weren't for former flames, vodka and sprite in red cups while we sit around a tin can fire, a weiner dog running blindly through the yard. you know, normal.

1 comment:

  1. Awwweee...
    I like that part about the two girls dating... Probably would have been true too.
    Awe, This is so.. I love it. :D
